Monday, February 9, 2009


Last night we went visiting friends, it was late and Larry wanted to get home and go to bed so he obviously was not thinking too clearly because he went barrelling down our driveway, which is no big deal on most days. BUT our driveway is a big "U" and one enterance is a lot steeper than the other...and when we pull in the driveway we always pull in the steep one and go out on the not so steep one. I am not quite sure what he was thinking because it is not like this just happened last night but our driveway is a skating rink, literally, and has been for the last 3 weeks!!!

So last night he flew in the driveway and put on his brakes to slow down and turn into the parking spot....nope that didn't happen! He just slide right into the yard/snowbank and got the car hung up and couldn't get it out! So this morning after he spent a good half hour digging out around the car he came inside and asked me to go out in the freezing cold and back the car out while he pushed! As I was sitting there sipping the first couple of sips of coffee thinking do I really want to go out there and freeze my buns off backing out the car that he got I was thinking this in my head he knew exactly what was going through my head and said "If you do not come out and help me get the car unstuck I can not go to the post office and mail your parcel!" Well Stacey I did it for you girl! I grabbed my hat and mittens and a way I went out and braved the bitter cold! Your parcel is on its way to the post office as I type this! :o) AND I went back outside to take pictures. It snowed a bit last night but it is completely covered in ice like the top of the driveway! You can see the tire tracks go in a ways...he had her stuck good!


BirchBerry Farms said...

Ha!!! I was giggling when I read this---first off--there was some great bargainig tactics going on there---contracts hammered out--signatures needed here and there---oh you two----I would've been thinkin the SAME thing whilest in the warm house with a cup o coffee---and NO SNOT dripping---yet-- heh Shell? Glad you got it out---them guys---ya just gotta love 'em! DORKS! LOL

Shelley said...

Some days they make it really hard to love them!! :o) LOL

Stacey said...

Ohhhh my goodness, you went through enough trouble to get my new doll mailed out to me! I'm hoping border patrol let's her get on her way here soon . . I'll let you know when she arrives. :)